Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

The Reason Why IFRS is Chosen as the Team's Name

Budi : Since Indonesia will implement this standard this year, it's better for us to know this term, because this term is related to our future job.

Muliawan : Because it sounds kind of cool. Especially because it still fresh in my mind after having the first Managerial Accounting Class this morning and the terms IFRS mentioned by the Lecturer=D then when the group needs a name, the first word pop-up in my mind is IFRS.

S.Richard : I admit it sounds kind of cool, especially since at the time i didn't know the meaning of the word. so, when they suggested it i just go along with it. To my regret that the meaning of IFRS is quite hard to understand.. if i knew of this, i would have chosen names like Lord of the Ring or something.

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